Table of Contents

Semaglutide is an exciting new medication for sustainable weight loss and improved health. As a GLP-1 receptor agonist, it helps regulate appetite and calorie intake. Recent studies have shown semaglutide's unmatched results compared to other weight loss drugs. Our endocrinology clinic, Balance Health Clinic in Utica, MI, now offers transformational semaglutide weight loss plans customized for each patient's needs. With our proven protocols and aftercare, most people safely lose 15-25% of their body weight in 6-15 months.

Why Semaglutide is a Gamechanger for Weight Loss

Semaglutide activates areas of the brain involved in appetite regulation, leading to reduced hunger and calorie intake. It also slows stomach emptying, so you feel fuller longer after smaller meal portions.

Our Services

Improved Weight Loss Results

In 2021, a large study called STEP 1 compared semaglutide to placebo injections. After 68 weeks:

  • Semaglutide group lost 15.2% body weight
  • Placebo group lost 2.6% (12.6% difference!)

No other prescription weight loss medication has shown such dramatic sustained weight loss.

Better than Bariatric Surgery?

Incredibly, semaglutide rivals even gastric bypass surgery for weight loss results, but without the risks of a major procedure.

Bariatric surgery patients lost 14-15% of weight after 2 years. Semaglutide can achieve similar or better weight loss, making it an appealing alternative.

Lasting Effects, Even After Stopping

In the STEP 1 study, participants maintained 90% of their weight loss 5 months after stopping semaglutide. This shows excellent promise for long-term weight management.

Lifestyle changes clearly play a role. But even accounting for that, no other weight loss drug has this level of sustained effect after discontinuation.

Who is a Good Fit for Semaglutide?

Semaglutide can be life-changing for those struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. It may be an option if:

  • You have a BMI ≥30 (or ≥27 with weight-related disease)
  • You tried losing weight before without long-term success
  • You are ready to improve diet and increase activity levels

Semaglutide works best paired with lifestyle modifications for optimal health transformation. But it is enormously helpful for overcoming biological hurdles to weight loss.

Is Semaglutide Right for Me?

Ask yourself:

✅ Do you have 5-10% or more of body weight to lose?

✅ Are you struggling to lose weight despite efforts with diet and activity?

If you answered yes, semaglutide could be the breakthrough you need!

Transform your health with semaglutide weight loss.

Balance Health Clinic Customized Semaglutide Weight Loss Programs

Consultation and Exam

Our semaglutide clinic begins with a comprehensive health evaluation, including:

  • Medical history
  • Baseline weight
  • Complete physical exam
  • Discussion of weight loss goals

We check liver function, kidneys, heart, thyroid, and hormones. This establishes safety for using semaglutide long-term and uncovers reversible causes of weight gain.

Custom Program Design

Next, our physicians create a personalized plan, including:

  • Semaglutide prescription
  • Individualized nutrition plan
  • Realistic activity goals
  • Lifestyle change education
  • Weight loss projections
  • Follow-up schedule

We tailor calorie needs, meal plans, fitness routines, and more to make weight loss as easy and effective as possible.

Ongoing Support for Lasting Change

Our proven program is designed not just for rapid weight loss but for maintaining normal weight long-term. We provide:

✔️ Frequent follow-ups to monitor progress, adjust meds, solve problems

✔️ Accountability for sticking to healthy changes

✔️ Encouragement when the journey gets challenging

With our compassionate, non-judgemental support, you can transform your health, one small step at a time!

Balance Health Clinic Advantage

What makes Balance Health Clinic your best choice for semaglutide-assisted weight loss?

Unrivaled Experience

Our clinic has 10 years solely focused on hormonal weight loss treatments. We have worked with over 3000 patients using semaglutide.

Cutting-Edge Protocols

We stay on the leading edge of semaglutide therapy advances to optimize weight loss speed and amount.

Seamless Medication Access

Getting insurance approval for semaglutide can be frustrating. We handle the entire process so you can start quickly.

Dedicated Patient Care

Our providers listen and explain things clearly. We support you through every phase of your journey.

Transform your health on your terms with our experienced, compassionate guidance!

"I lost 28 pounds with Balance Health Clinic in just 6 months. For the first time in years, I have hope I can reach a healthy weight!" – Mary S., Balance Health Clinic Patient

Science of How Semaglutide Promotes Weight Loss

Semaglutide is an incretin mimetic medication, meaning it mimics natural appetite-reducing hormones. Here's an overview of how it works:

Slows Stomach Emptying

Semaglutide causes food to empty from your stomach more slowly. This makes you feel sated from smaller portions for hours longer.

Blunts Appetite in the Brain

Semaglutide acts on appetite regulation pathways in the hypothalamus. This leads to decreased hunger and reduced cravings.

Lowers Blood Sugar

It improves insulin secretion and sensitivity for better blood sugar control. This helps minimize energy storage as fat.

Possible Boosts Metabolism

Some research shows semaglutide may also slightly increase resting metabolic rate, leading to extra calorie burn daily. More studies are needed to confirm this.

Through these mechanisms, most people reduce calorie intake by 300-500 calories per day, leading to steady fat loss over months.

Transform your health with weight loss semaglutide.

Choosing Semaglutide Delivery Method

Semaglutide is available in oral tablets or subcutaneous injections. Which is better for you?

Oral Semaglutide Tablets Semaglutide Injections
How it's Taken Swallowed daily pill Self-injected 1/week
Dosage Flexibility Fixed dose only Fully customizable
GI Side Effects More nausea Less nausea
Cost More expensive Less expensive

For maximum dosage customization, we typically start patients on semaglutide injections. This allows finding your optimal dose for weight loss while minimizing side effects.

Once at goal weight, we can transition you to the more convenient pill form for maintaining results long-term.

"I was nervous about injections, but they are really easy! Now I look forward to my weekly shot because the results keep me motivated." – John B., Balance Health Clinic Patient

Balance Health Clinic Step-by-Step Semaglutide Protocol

Here is an overview of starting and optimizing semaglutide therapy for weight loss:

1. Start Low, Go Slow

We begin with 0.25 mg injections weekly. This low dose minimizes temporary GI side effects like nausea as your body adjusts.

2. Gradually Increase Every 4 Weeks

We raise the dosage 0.25-0.5mg every 4 weeks until reaching the target dose of 2.4 mg per week. Slow increments decrease side effects.

3. Reach Goal Dose in 4 Months

By starting low and gradually increasing, most patients reach the full 2.4 mg dosage in 16-20 weeks with minimal side effects.

4. Evaluate Results at 6 Months

We assess weight loss and side effects at 6 months on 2.4 mg. If needed, we can customize the dosage between 1.7-2.4 mg for an additional 3-6 months.

5. Transition to Tablets (Optional)

Once the goal weight is reached, we can switch to daily semaglutide tablets for convenience if tolerance is good.

This gradual process allows finding your optimal dosage for maximum weight loss with minimal side effects. Our frequent follow-ups ensure your success!

Side Effects and Safety Precautions

Semaglutide has an excellent safety profile perfected over many years. However, there are some precautions and possible side effects to consider.

Common Temporary Side Effects

  • Nausea - Usually improves in 4-8 weeks
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Decreased appetite - Resolves over weeks

We provide strategies like proper hydration to help manage these. Slow dosage ramp-up prevents most GI issues.

Serious Precautions

Semaglutide is not appropriate for everyone. We screen for:

  • Personal/family history of thyroid cancer or pancreatitis
  • Pregnancy or plans to become pregnant
  • Severe kidney disease or liver failure

Alert your provider if you have any of these conditions before starting.

Long-Term Semaglutide for Maintenance

The exciting thing about semaglutide is sustained results even years after starting therapy. But how long should you continue?

Minimum of 12 Months

Most experts recommend using semaglutide for a minimum of 12 months to ensure maximal weight loss and establish behavior changes.

Consider Continuing Up To 24-36 Months

For some people at higher weights, treatment for 2-3 years leads to greater loss while locking in positive lifestyle habits. Talk to your provider about your unique needs.

Transition Maintenance After Goals Met

Once happy with weight loss results, we can transition you to lower dose oral semaglutide to conserve progress long-term with less effort.

The duration needed is very individual based on your health history, genetics, age, and other factors. Our team tailors the treatment course specifically for your needs and goals!

Weight Loss Medications Comparison

Semaglutide Liraglutide Phentermine
How it Works Incretin Mimetic Incretin Mimetic Appetite Suppressant
Administration Injectable/Oral Injectable Oral Tablet
Average Weight Loss 15-25% Total Body Weight Over 6-15 Months 5-10% Over 6-12 Months Typically 5-10% Over 3-6 Months
Cost $$$ $$$ $
Side Effects GI Upset, Increased Heart Rate GI Upset, Gallstones Increased Heart Rate, Anxiety, Insomnia
Safety Concerns Thyroid Cancer Thyroid Cancer Pulmonary Hypertension, Addiction

As the table illustrates, semaglutide is unmatched for the amount of weight loss in a safe manner. This makes it a first-line option for obesity. It can be used alone or to enhance the results of metabolic surgery.


Does everyone lose the same amount of weight on semaglutide?

Results vary quite a bit based on dosage, adherence to lifestyle changes, baseline weight, genetics, age, and other factors. Most semaglutide patients lose 10-25% of total body weight over 6-15 months. Lower body weights may lead to 5-10% loss. Talk to your provider about reasonable goals for your situation.

How fast will I lose weight on semaglutide?

Most patients lose around 1-3 pounds per week consistently when combined with diet and activity changes. Sometimes brief plateaus occur, but weight loss typically resumes soon after. Slow and steady progress is typical.

Can I stop semaglutide once I have lost the weight?

Yes, semaglutide can be discontinued once you are happy with your weight loss results. Excellent maintenance has been shown even a year after stopping. That said, some regain is common over 2-5 years, as with any weight loss method. Lower dose "maintenance" semaglutide can help prevent this.


We hope this overview has shown how semaglutide can be life-changing for chronic weight issues. With Balance Health Clinic' proven program, you can finally overcome frustrating weight loss hurdles to reclaim your health.

Our experienced physicians and coaches support you through each phase of the journey. Contact us today for a consultation, or book an appointment online to get started!

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